FREE public lecture - Sunday August 18th

Jul 16, 2024

The University of Regina will be hosting the Canadian Quaternary Association and Canadian Geomorphology Research Group Biennial Meeting 2024 between August 19th and 21st. The opening event is open to the public:


Following the Bison: Western Science and Indigenous Insights into Migration, Hunting, and Human-Animal relations 

by Dr. Jessica Metcalfe

Royal SK Museum 6:00 pm Sunday Aug. 18

Wildlife conservationists and Indigenous leaders are increasingly ‘following bison’ for environmental restoration and cultural resurgence. I began following bison in my research program because of their widespread distribution across much of North America through the last Ice Age. I have used ancient bison bones, teeth, and other tissues to study a range of topics and regions, including bison diets and habitat selection in Alberta and Utah, and interactions between people and bison in Subarctic and Great Basin environments. But beyond leading me to topics of scientific importance, bison have also guided me towards Indigenous principles of relationality and story-work. I draw on these concepts as I describe my research contributions to understanding bison diets, environments, migrations, and human-animal relations, which are embedded within the story of my research journey. Following bison towards Indigenous research means prioritizing relationships with Indigenous peoples and the lands we inhabit. By meaningfully engaging with our shared history, we can contribute to restorative justice while also improving scientific rigour and relevance.



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